Saturday, August 25, 2007

School Library Learning 2.0 Week 9, Exercise 21 - Podcasts

Oh happy days, I already know something about podcasts since I do enjoy an iPod. I explored several of the directories and found iTunes the easiest with Yahoo Podcast in second place. I added Science Friday to my Google Reader and noticed when I opened by iTunes account that it was also downloading there. Just can’t get enough of Science Friday!

And on a note that has nothing to do with libraries or education – my daughter and I have a favorite podcast called DogBlog TV. The link is It is available on iTunes and YouTube or right on their webpage. This is a great example of individuals creating a podcast and getting international play.

My daughter wants to create a podcast now. Sounds like a job for Library 2.1!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you Gexy, for turning me on to iTunes podcast listings-I appreciate a list that has been weeded. And now I've got some great things on my iPod (which I hadn't used for podcasts). I'm psyched about listening to New Yorker fiction, and Bill Moyers, Science Fridays, and This American Life. I'm saving Car Talk for the car, though.

Have you used podcasts in your library? How?