Tuesday, August 7, 2007

School Library Learning 2.0 Week 7, Exercise 17 – Sandbox Wiki

Vermont Wildflowers
Vermont Wildflowers,
originally uploaded by slidewayze.
This is the idea I added in the Sandbox Wiki. Idea #15: Use the library trading cards to show what the students are reading. Maybe the cover of the book in the reading area & the student's name & class in the text. Or maybe a photo of the student with a list of books they are read. Or an award for the student that has the most accelerated reader points per class. I'd like to hang them on the wall outside the library and also make a copy for the student to take home to their parents.

What great ideas there are! This is a wonderful place to go when my creativity is at low ebb. And when I have a good idea (and I do on occasion), I’d be happy to added it.

I created a PB Wiki for an upcoming trip for my friend’s birthday. Wouldn’t it be fun if all of her friends added something to it?


SheReadsALot said...

I like your idea of integrating the trading cards into the school library--I'll bet the kids will enjoy that!

Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

Glad you are enjoying School Library Learning 2.0. Best wishes!
- JackieS
CSLA 2.0 Team project manager

Marty Desilets said...

Hey!!! Thanks for blogging my photo!

Marty - Aka "Slidewayze"

Gexy said...

Marty, thanks for taking such a great photo :)