Friday, July 6, 2007

School Library Learning 2.0 Week 3, Exercise 7

Create a post about anything technologically related that interest you.

I am reading Totally wired : what teens and tweens are really doing online by Anastasia Goodstein. While many of us in the library biz consider ourselves to be tech savvy, it is really today's young people that think nothing of using the technology during their day to day lives. These middle & high school students have MySpace accounts (or something similar), they are on a computer every day and they have even created their own language to be used for text messaging.

It doesn't matter if the more seasoned adults think the new wired generation is going down a good or bad path, it only matters that we guide them to use the tools safely and efficiently. That is why it is so important to go outside of our comfort level by challenging ourselves to learn new things.

The photo was taken in my backyard of ladybugs doing social networking. :)


Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

Thanks for the book recommendation. Yes, today's 16-24 year-olds like text messaging, IM, and identify themselves by their music. What is your song theme? What is their music theme for you?

- Jackie Siminitus
CSLA 2.0 Team, project manager

Anonymous said...

This month's Family Circle magazine [August 2007] has an interesting article about our kids and the social networking life. It's got some interesting views.
A lot of kids seem savvy to adults, but still have a long way to go in understanding how to critically look at the things they see online. We library folk are here to help!
Connie [CSLA 2.0 team]