Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Meme: Passion Quilt

There is a Meme: Passion Quilt going around the education/library bloggers, which I really like. So I invited myself! The original directions say “make a poster--everyone uses the same dimensions--that reflects what they are MOST PASSIONATE about for kids to learn in schools today, then hang them on the entrance wall”. The online version states “It occurs to me that as edubloggers, we could create our own passion quilt, starting our own meme, each contributing an image that captures what we most passionately want children to learn in school...from our particular perspective”.

Source: Originated by Around the Corner -

My image says 'Read' and that’s where I put most of my effort – into student reading. I don’t teach the students to sound out the words, I leave that to more talented folks. Instead I try to introduce the students to rich literature that they can successfully read and enjoy. I often think, as I have a line of excited elementary students standing (not to patiently) in line, that being an elementary school librarian is so very different than being a public librarian. The public librarian (or more likely the checkout clerk) smiles at the patron, answers any questions, checks out the materials and takes the next patron. I, on the other hand, have to encourage some of my patrons to try more challenging books, some of the patrons to try less challenging books and discuss briefly almost every book they check out. I do this while one is doing the bathroom dance in front of me (here’s the pass – go!), two are fighting over their place in line (he cut me!) and another one wants to tell me that their other library book is at their mother’s sister’s house two towns over and they are going there in a few day. I wonder if any librarians get to know their patrons reading levels, limitations, interests and problems as well as an elementary school librarian who sees every student in the school.

3 Simple Meme Rules:

  • Post a picture from a source like FlickrCC or Flickr Creative Commons or make/take your own that captures what YOU are most passionate about for kids to learn about...and give your picture a short title.
  • Title your blog post "Meme: Passion Quilt" and link back to this blog entry.
  • Include links to 5 folks in your professional learning network or whom you follow on Twitter/Pownce.

Janet’s Soapbox

Wildcat Cataloger

Free Range Librarian

Annoyed Librarian

Elementary School Blog


Janet said...

Neat meme! Now I'm going to have to think a bit about what I'd most like kids to learn and how best to illustrate it. Courage and compassion come to mind...

GardenWanderer said...

You should take that section of this post that explains the difference between a school librarian and a public librarian and send it to our reps in the Washington State Legislature. I was sorely tempted to copy and paste it into my next email supporting our school library legislation. It's great!

Oh, and I'm confused by the instructions. But, I'm going to work through it. First, I will find a picture. Then, you may get a phone call. Wildcat